Monday, January 23, 2006


it's amazing the way i think can affect the rest of my day. i am not suffering from the monday blues when i woke up this morning. i told myself that today will definitely be a much better day and it did happen. although i am still doing the same old monotone sorting of the documents, i dont feel that the work is dragging me to hell, which is good.

one of my JC tutors said this before, "look at the mirror when you wake up in the morning and tell your reflection how you want to live your day". when i heard that, i doubted its usefulness. today, i changed my stand. i should continue to do that more often and my life may be well spent. dont complain that life is short because everything has a beginning and end. it's not the quantity but the quality that matters. live life with a purpose! stay hopeful because being able to wake up in the next morning is a bliss. i am able to take in a fresh breath of air because i am here to make an impact. create miracles i shall. =)

ps/ i realise my previous entries are damn depressing. that's so sickening!

"peace, happiness, hope"

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